Whether college or a variety of other options, education can be a significant success factor for someone entering the workforce or seeking to advance their career. But it can also bring substantial expenditures. If you need to save money for your child’s or grandchild’s education, you should know about 529 education savings plans. Vestra Financial Partners can help you learn about this great tax advantaged savings plan.
529 plans are designed to make saving for education easier. Under these plans, earnings on the money you save grow tax-free on a national level and in most states, as long as the money is used for qualified tuition and other expenses. It’s a great way to save that can help jump-start your child’s education. Here are some things you should know: 529 savings and earnings can be used for tuition at: · Four-year colleges and universities · Community colleges · Career and technical schools · Registered apprenticeships · Qualified institutions abroad 529s can also be used to pay for such expenses as: · Room and board · Fees · Books · Computers 529 plans can be front loaded with 5 years of gifting, which can help your family achieve your estate planning goals. If the child does incur debt, 529 funds may be used to pay up to $10,000 in qualified student loans per beneficiary. Anyone can contribute to a 529 savings plan account – friends, family members, etc.! A Vestra Financial Partners professional can help you learn more about 529 education savings plans and get you started. It’s the smart thing to do! About Vestra Financial Partners: Vestra Financial Partners is a cohesive, seamlessly integrated team of professionals with an innate commitment to serving at the highest level. Clients benefit from their vast collective experience, knowledge and insights, and multigenerational makeup and perspectives. At Vestra Financial Partners, it’s about more than investing; it’s about connecting your life and your finances. Our greatest goal is to guide you in funding the life you desire – for you, your family, and generations to come. [email protected] | 610.861.8419 | 267.685.4208 | 727.214.2492 www.vestrafinancial.com | Bethlehem, PA | Yardley, PA | St. Petersburg, FL Janney Montgomery Scott LLC | Member: NYSE, FINRA, SIPC For more information about Janney, please see Janney's Relationship Summary (Form CRS) at www.janney.com/crs which details all material facts about the scope and terms of our relationship with you and any potential conflicts of interest. The concepts illustrated here have legal, accounting and tax implications. Neither Janney Montgomery Scott LLC nor its Financial Advisors give tax, legal, or accounting advice. Please consult with the appropriate professional for advice concerning your individual circumstances.
Written by: Shelley Maley, PHR, GCDF, Dreamcatcher Career Coaching, LLC
GRADUATION SEASON!! Whether it’s from high school, college, the military, or a trade school, and they’re getting their diploma, bachelor’s degree, masters degree, or PhD, now is a great time to offer our words of advice. What would YOU like to tell our new graduates?? Here are my words of wisdom --- Most folks don’t land in the right spot right out of the gate. In other words, your first job or career (or perhaps your child's) may not be THE ONE. Just like in the fairy tale, you may kiss a lot of frogs until you find your Prince Charming. If the first job offer doesn’t seem like THE DREAM JOB and your phone isn’t otherwise “ringing off the hook” with job offers, consider taking the opportunity and making the most of it. You’ll learn valuable transferable skills that will serve you well into the future. (think teamwork, communication, professionalism, and so much more!) You’ll meet lots of interesting new folks to expand your professional network. (and those folks may see your potential and think of you for future opportunities!) You may identify someone who would love to be your mentor. (you are so very lucky if you do!) You will witness folks working in other roles you may have never considered or had even known about. (that may result in developing an interest in something completely unrelated to your major or intended career) You will develop clarity around what you want your work/life balance to look like. (This is HUGE, folks!!) While it’s okay to take an offer when needed (like when you need to start paying those student loans), just don’t let yourself (or your child) get caught in the trap of underemployment. |
May 2024