In April, to help small businesses stay afloat during the coronavirus pandemic, The Chamber dispensed grants totaling $350,000 in three phases through its Lehigh Valley COVID-19 Relief Fund.
We cannot thank the Lehigh Valley COVID-19 funders enough. They include Truist, The Chamber, David Jaindl, Equinox Benefits Consulting, Capital Blue Cross, Dynegy, ESSA Bank, Wells Fargo, Walmart/Sam’s Club and, as well as some individual donors. To date the fund has provided 320 small business owners in Carbon, Lehigh, Monroe, Northampton and Warren (NJ) counties each with $500 to $1,500. The funds are unrestricted and can help business owners pay rents, make payroll or pay other operating expenses. In alignment with The Chamber Foundation’s mission, priority was given to small retail shops, restaurants and community staples operating on a main street or surrounding traditional neighborhood. Media CoverageGrant program to help support businesses in Greater LV has raised $300K COVID-19 funding starting to flow to Lehigh Valley companies Lehigh Valley Economic Development 100 businesses in the Lehigh Valley recently received checks for $1500 dollars from the area's ... WLVR FM Lehigh Valley Chamber to issue more relief money for businesses during coronavirus shutdown Morning Call Lehigh Valley Chamber Writes Checks to Small Businesses for Survival (blog) Lehigh Valley Chamber creates emergency relief fund to help small businesses amid outbreak WFMZ-69 News Amazon donates more than $50,000 to support Valley residents, businesses Northwestern Press |